Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Words of War for Spanish Students
Words of War for Spanish Students Looking for a different perspective on the news of the world? If so, check out one of the many Spanish-language news sources and get an idea of what people in Latin America or Spain or other Spanish-speaking places are reading. If the news is about war, you may find this vocabulary list helpful. War Vocabulary List Alphabetized in Spanish Words below are alphabetized in Spanish; see the next section for the same words alphabetized in English. el alto el fuego - cease-fireel arma, las armas - weapon, weaponslas armas de destruccià ³n masiva - weapons of mass destructionatacar - to attackel ataque - attackla baja - casualty (death)base (aà ©rea, military) - (air, military) basela batalla - battlela baterà a - batteryel blanco (militar) - (military) targetla bomba - bombbombardear - to bombcivil - civilian (noun or adjective)el/la comandante - commanderel combate - combatel/la (no) combatiente - (non)combatantel conflicto - conflictla Convencià ³n de Ginebra - Geneva Conventionel/la coronel - colonelel criminal de guerra - war criminallos derechos humanos - human rightsderribar - to shoot down, to bring downdestruir - destroyel ejà ©rcito - armyencontrarse cautivo - to be taken captiveestar en control, encontrarse en control - to be in controlla explosià ³n - explosionlas fuerzas aà ©reas - air forcelas fuerzas aliadas - allied forceslas fuerzas armadas (FF. AA.) - armed forcesel/l a general - generalel gobierno - governmentla granada - grenade la guerra - warel helicà ³ptero - helicopterherido - injuredherir - to injurelas hostilidades - hostilitieshumanitario - humanitarianla inteligencia militar - military intelligencela invasià ³n - invasionla marina - navymatar - to killmilitar - military (adjective)el/la militar - soldier, fighterel misil - missilela muerte - deathel objector de conciencia - conscientious objectorla ofensiva - offensivela patrulla (patrullar, estar de patrulla) - patrol (to patrol, to be on patrol)la paz - peaceel/la piloto - pilotel preso de guerra, el prisionero de guerra - prisoner of warla propaganda - propagandaresguardar - to protect againstla resistencia - resistancesacudir - to strike, to hitsangriento - bloodyel/la soldado - soldierel tanque, el carro de combate - tankel territorio - territoryel/la terrorista - terroristlas tropas - troops War Vocabulary Alphabetized in Enlish air force - las fuerzas aà ©reasallied forces - las fuerzas aliadasarmed forces - las fuerzas armadasarmy - el ejà ©rcito(air, military) base - base (aà ©rea, military)attack - el ataqueto attack - atacarbattery - la baterà abattle - la batallato be in control - estar en control, encontrarse en controlto be taken captive - encontrarse cautivobloody - sangrientobomb - la bombato bomb - bombardearcasualty - la baja (death), el/la herido (injured person)cease-fire - el alto el fuegocivilian (noun or adjective) - civilcolonel - el/la coronelcombat - el combate(non)combatant - el/la (no) combatientecommander - el/la comandanteconflict - el conflictoconscientious objector - el objector de concienciadeath - la muertedestroy - destruirexplosion - la explosià ³ngeneral - el/la generalGeneva Convention - la Convencià ³n de Ginebragovernment - el gobiernogrenade - la granadahelicopter - el helicà ³pterohostilities - las hostilidadeshumanitarian - humanit ariohuman rights - los derechos humanosto injure - herir injured - heridoinvasion - la invasià ³nto kill - matarmilitary (adjective) - militarmilitary intelligence - la inteligencia militarmissile - el misilnavy - la marinaoffensive - la ofensivapatrol (to patrol, to be on patrol) - la patrulla (patrullar, estar de patrulla)peace - la pazpilot - el/la pilotoprisoner of war - el preso de guerra, el prisionero de guerrapropaganda - la propagandato protect against - resguardarresistance - la resistenciato shoot down, to bring down - derribarsoldier, fighter - el/la militar, el/la soldadoto strike, to hit - sacudirtank - el tanque, el carro de combate(military) target - el blanco (militar)territory - el territorioterrorist - el/la terroristatroops - las tropaswar - la guerrawar criminal - el criminal de guerraweapon, weapons - el arma, las armasweapons of mass destruction - las armas de destruccià ³n masiva
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