Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Black Voice †Motown, Soul and the Integration of Popular Music Essay Sample free essay sample
Motown is a entering company formed by Berry Gordy. Jr. on 1959 based in Detroit. It was foremost named as Tamla Record but subsequently it became known as Tamla-Motown. Some of its creative persons were Stevie Wonder. Diana Ross. Marvin Gaye. The Four Tops and the Jackson Five ( â€Å"Motown Records. †) . Motown Records had helped in advancing black instrumentalists. black music and racial integrating. Black music was less promoted unlike the white Americans’ ; but Motown helped in developing gifted black creative persons and gave them interruptions in the universe of music. During that clip. African americans were extremely discriminated and they expressed themselves through music such as stone ‘n’ axial rotation. Rock ‘n’ Roll played a major portion in racial integrating which was the tendency during the 1950s ( â€Å"Rock Music. †) . It is a musical manner formed from beat. blues. and state which subsequently gave rise to sway music. It was the first Afro-american record label that popularized musical genres such as psyche. We will write a custom essay sample on The Black Voice – Motown, Soul and the Integration of Popular Music Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page R A ; B. hip hop and dad.Motown Soundbecame its celebrated music utilizing tambourine membranophones. and bass guitar.Motown Soundis besides incorporated with acall and response( â€Å"Motown Records. †).Call and responseis consists of two phrases with the 2nd phrase as a response to the first phrase. It is the tradition that African-American used in public assemblages. rites. and besides as a vocal and instrumental look. It originated in West Africa and was introduced in America through different cultural looks ( â€Å"Call and response ( music ) . †) . Name in responseis common among black music. It was foremost used inGospel music. worship vocals. back in 18Thursdaycentury ; but today non merelyGospel musicutilizationscall and response( â€Å"History of Gospel Music. †) . R A ; B. hip hop. stone. blues. even rock ‘n’ axial rotation and stone music besides accompanied this manner to their vocals. It is besides common in common people vocalizing in parts of Europe and classical music. African civilization non merely greatly influenced musical tendencies but it besides gave rise to different musical manners in the yesteryear and today. Mentions: Call and response ( music ) . Retrieved 6 June. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Call_and_response_ % 28music % 29 History of Gospel Music. Retrieved 6 June. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //bostoncommunitychoir. org/history_of_gospel_music. htm Motown Records. Retrieved 6 June. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Motown Rock Music. Retrieved 6 June. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rock_music
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Words of War for Spanish Students
Words of War for Spanish Students Looking for a different perspective on the news of the world? If so, check out one of the many Spanish-language news sources and get an idea of what people in Latin America or Spain or other Spanish-speaking places are reading. If the news is about war, you may find this vocabulary list helpful. War Vocabulary List Alphabetized in Spanish Words below are alphabetized in Spanish; see the next section for the same words alphabetized in English. el alto el fuego - cease-fireel arma, las armas - weapon, weaponslas armas de destruccià ³n masiva - weapons of mass destructionatacar - to attackel ataque - attackla baja - casualty (death)base (aà ©rea, military) - (air, military) basela batalla - battlela baterà a - batteryel blanco (militar) - (military) targetla bomba - bombbombardear - to bombcivil - civilian (noun or adjective)el/la comandante - commanderel combate - combatel/la (no) combatiente - (non)combatantel conflicto - conflictla Convencià ³n de Ginebra - Geneva Conventionel/la coronel - colonelel criminal de guerra - war criminallos derechos humanos - human rightsderribar - to shoot down, to bring downdestruir - destroyel ejà ©rcito - armyencontrarse cautivo - to be taken captiveestar en control, encontrarse en control - to be in controlla explosià ³n - explosionlas fuerzas aà ©reas - air forcelas fuerzas aliadas - allied forceslas fuerzas armadas (FF. AA.) - armed forcesel/l a general - generalel gobierno - governmentla granada - grenade la guerra - warel helicà ³ptero - helicopterherido - injuredherir - to injurelas hostilidades - hostilitieshumanitario - humanitarianla inteligencia militar - military intelligencela invasià ³n - invasionla marina - navymatar - to killmilitar - military (adjective)el/la militar - soldier, fighterel misil - missilela muerte - deathel objector de conciencia - conscientious objectorla ofensiva - offensivela patrulla (patrullar, estar de patrulla) - patrol (to patrol, to be on patrol)la paz - peaceel/la piloto - pilotel preso de guerra, el prisionero de guerra - prisoner of warla propaganda - propagandaresguardar - to protect againstla resistencia - resistancesacudir - to strike, to hitsangriento - bloodyel/la soldado - soldierel tanque, el carro de combate - tankel territorio - territoryel/la terrorista - terroristlas tropas - troops War Vocabulary Alphabetized in Enlish air force - las fuerzas aà ©reasallied forces - las fuerzas aliadasarmed forces - las fuerzas armadasarmy - el ejà ©rcito(air, military) base - base (aà ©rea, military)attack - el ataqueto attack - atacarbattery - la baterà abattle - la batallato be in control - estar en control, encontrarse en controlto be taken captive - encontrarse cautivobloody - sangrientobomb - la bombato bomb - bombardearcasualty - la baja (death), el/la herido (injured person)cease-fire - el alto el fuegocivilian (noun or adjective) - civilcolonel - el/la coronelcombat - el combate(non)combatant - el/la (no) combatientecommander - el/la comandanteconflict - el conflictoconscientious objector - el objector de concienciadeath - la muertedestroy - destruirexplosion - la explosià ³ngeneral - el/la generalGeneva Convention - la Convencià ³n de Ginebragovernment - el gobiernogrenade - la granadahelicopter - el helicà ³pterohostilities - las hostilidadeshumanitarian - humanit ariohuman rights - los derechos humanosto injure - herir injured - heridoinvasion - la invasià ³nto kill - matarmilitary (adjective) - militarmilitary intelligence - la inteligencia militarmissile - el misilnavy - la marinaoffensive - la ofensivapatrol (to patrol, to be on patrol) - la patrulla (patrullar, estar de patrulla)peace - la pazpilot - el/la pilotoprisoner of war - el preso de guerra, el prisionero de guerrapropaganda - la propagandato protect against - resguardarresistance - la resistenciato shoot down, to bring down - derribarsoldier, fighter - el/la militar, el/la soldadoto strike, to hit - sacudirtank - el tanque, el carro de combate(military) target - el blanco (militar)territory - el territorioterrorist - el/la terroristatroops - las tropaswar - la guerrawar criminal - el criminal de guerraweapon, weapons - el arma, las armasweapons of mass destruction - las armas de destruccià ³n masiva
Friday, November 22, 2019
Name Meaning and Origin of Christensen
Name Meaning and Origin of Christensen Christensen literally means son of Christen, a common Danish variant of the given name Christian, which derives from the Greek word xà Î ¹ÃÆ'ÄΠ¹ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ½ÃÅ' (christianos), meaning follower of Christ. In Norway and Sweden, the -son variations such as Christenson and Kristenson are more common. Christensen is the 6th most popular surname in Denmark. Surname Origin: Danish, Norwegian, North German Alternate Surname Spellings: KRISTENSEN, CRESTENSEN, KRESTENSEN, CHRISTENSEN, KHRISTENSEN, CHRISTENSON, KRISTENSON, CHRISTIANSEN, KRISTIANSEN Famous People With the Surname Carlos Hugo Christensen, Argentine screenwriter, film director, and producerHelena Christensen, Danish supermodelHayden Christensen, Canadian-American actor and producerTom Kristensen, Danish poet, novelist, and journalist Genealogy Resources for the Surname Search Strategies for Common Last NamesUse these strategies for locating ancestors with common names like Christensen to help you research your CHRISTENSEN ancestors online. FamilySearch - CHRISTENSEN GenealogyAccess free historical records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Christensen surname. Source: Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Holocaust - Essay Example The functionality of a family relies on the efforts and contribution of all persons who constitute a given family unit. Clara’s family is no exception in terms of its setting and functionality. The interdependence between members of Clara’s family and other families in the Zolkiew community shows the extent to which families can go in order to remain together and united as one. Family ties were critical to account for during the Nazis occupation in Zolkiew, Poland. Family completeness is influenced by the manner in which family members relate. Clara and her family have close relationship that is characterized by love and care for one another. This factor enhanced the family’s unity during happy and sad times. Given the fact that the Nazis were against the Jews, Clara’s family was a close and direct target. Just like any other Jewish family at the time, Clara’s family was under significant threat. Amid this, the family ties between Clara, her mother, and her father remained close for the purpose of uniting the family. The presence of the Nazis in Zolkiew, Poland jeopardizes the family setting as a safe haven for the Jewish community. Family setups are broken while others are subjected to extreme livelihoods that they were not previously used to. In this respect, there is the aspect of ruined family ties in Clara’s memoir. In fact, she interacted with persons who were direct victims of such experiences. On the same note, the presence of the Nazis in their community could not offer anything short of these experiences. An aspect of help, assistance, and support is depicted by the manner in which Clara’s family relates with the Beck’s. In regard to this experience, it is evident that family ties do not only involve family members, but also friends and families within and without. Insights into the family context are based on strong ties that are established through good relations and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The development of key ideas in contemporary management and leadership Essay
The development of key ideas in contemporary management and leadership development - Essay Example The effects of technology and globalization on various sector of the world’s economy had been satisfying. This is not to forget that sometimes the avenue may also find other inappropriate use. For organizations, there has been pressing need to adjust to such advances. For example, organization leadership has been greatly affected by globalization and technology. This is especially so given that various organizations try to make sure that they implement competitive quality management (Arendt et al., 2005). To do so, leadership and other management positions in many organizations have become highly competitive. Technology and globalization has affected management and leaderships of virtually global organizations in the following ways. Organizations are increasingly looking for very flexible, highly skilled and competent personalities to occupy their leadership positions (Rothstein and Burke, 2010). Strategic Human Resources Management There may be many explanations given to stra tegic human resource management (S-HRM). Even so, one may notice that irrespective of various definitions the common denominator usually points to the same meaning. S-HRM, therefore, is just the managerial process requiring human resource policies and practices to be linked with strategic objectives of the organization. The importance of a HR strategy is that it can be used as a tool to gain a competitive advantage. It is by that definition a key factor. Using the traditional approach to strategic management, one may observe that a strategic plan attempt to balance how best to utilize resources available in the business environment in order to meet some established desirable outcomes. S-HRM can as such also be seen as a set of managerial decisions and actions that determines how an organization will eventually perform in the long run. In fact, Mintzberg (1994) assert that a strategy defines an organization and reduces ambiguity. Given that organizations do go changes with time, orga nization development should therefore be approached from a strategic perspective that takes into account all the vital factors that are key to the success of an organization. A strategic management thinking that may impact on the productivity, performance and efficiency of an organization has to take into consideration the following. It should make address: mission and goals, environmental analysis, strategic formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation (Ridderstrale and Nordstrom, 2002). For organizational development, the role and position of the senior management in the organization shall be assessed within the context of organizations missions and goals. The functions and duties of the management should be geared towards achieving the set organization goals, values and objectives. As the management team, they should make sure that they, together with all those who are below them in the organization hierarchy, work towards achieving the organization goals. Goals s hould be consistent with what the organization does so that every effort and input could be analyzed in line with duties allocated. The goals should be measurable especially in the short term (Bordia et al., 2004). Any decision that the management shall execute in line with organization change or organization development shall take into consideration analysis of internal environment and external environment. As pertains to internal environm
Saturday, November 16, 2019
William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 129 Essay Example for Free
William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 129 Essay William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 129 is a classic Shakespearian Sonnet from his distinguished collection published in 1609. The Shakespearean Sonnet is unquestionably the most intellectual and dramatic of poetic forms and, when written well, is a masterpiece not only of poetic talent but intellectual talent as well. Like the majority of sonnets, Sonnet 129 has fourteen lines and is organized into an octave followed by a sestet; or more in depth, three quatrains followed by a heroic couplet. However, there is one thing about this poem that does not follow the traditional cookie cutter model of a Shakespearean Sonnet. The distinctiveness is that this particular sonnet does not have the volta or thematic turn which generally shifts the mood or thematic direction, the topic of discussion and the mood in which it is written remains the same. There are, of course, other sonnets that Shakespeare wrote that also do not have a volta. The words of this poem discuss the issue of sex and lustful desire and the negative effects that they have on humanity. Shakespeare artistically puts the issue into three categories: lust as a longing for future pleasure, lust as it is consummated in the present, and finally, lust as it is remembered after the pleasurable experience, when it becomes a source of shame. These three categories are organized flawlessly into the three Sicilian Quatrains of the sonnet which all lead up to the heroic or rhyming couplet at the end. These final two closing lines fundamentally state that everyone in the world knows everything that has been said very well, they know and have experienced the consequences of lustful desires; and yet, no one knows well enough to stay away from this magnificent experience that leads us to a state of suffering. The meter of this sonnet follows the traditional guiding principles by using iambic pentameter. Therefore, for the most part, each line is divided into five feet and each of these feet are made up of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. However, there are some exceptions within the sonnet that deserve mentioning. The very first foot of the first line, â€Å"Th’expense,†has to be read in this way, as opposed to â€Å"the expense,†in order to preserve the iambic rhythm of the sonnet from the very beginning. Lines three and four of the first quatrain are essentially an angry list of what lust is. The word cruel, in line four, produces an interesting effect. Shakespeare could have chosen an obvious two syllable word, but he did not do such a thing, that would be too easy. He chooses a word that fulfills the iambic rhythm, but in effect, disrupts it and works against it. Rhyme, when done appropriately, produces an effect that free verse simply does not match and cannot reproduce. When being used by a professional such as Shakespeare, rhyme is not just about being appealing, proper or elegant; it directs the reader’s ear and mind, strengthening thought and thematic ideas. The rhyme scheme within Sonnet 129 is rather common. The first quatrain is ABAB, the second is CDCD, the third is EFEF, and finally, the couplet at the end is GG. The most important attribute of the Shakespearean Sonnet is it’s rhyme scheme, rather than the meter. This is because the essence of the Shakespearean Sonnet is in its sense of drama. The rhyme scheme, because of the way it directs the ear, reinforces the dramatic feel of the sonnet and enhances the To conclude, Sonnet 129 is not exactly the most original in form, meter, rhythm or rhyme; nevertheless, it has a very thought-provoking subject matter and presents an enlightening notion that is left to be pondered upon by all.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
birthmark :: essays research papers
Arrogant, cruel, brutal, and we can use all the synonyms of those words to describe Aylmer’s character. It was his arrogance, what made him think, he is a scientist. It was his cruelty, what made him treat Georgiana like dirt. It was his brutality, what kills Georgiana. But after all this there is a question remain. Was it all his fault? Was he the only one to blame for? If we take a look at the story from a different angel can’t we say that, Georgiana is also to blame for her lack of self-esteem. Isn’t it her lack of self-confidence, provides the strength for his brutality. ``If there be the remotest possibility of it,'' continued Georgiana, ``let the attempt be made at whatever risk. Danger is nothing to me; for life, while this hateful mark makes me the object of your horror and disgust, -- life is a burden, which I would fling down with joy. Either remove this dreadful hand, or take my wretched life! You have deep science. The entire world bears witness of it. You have achieved great wonders. Cannot you remove this little, little mark, which I cover with the tips of two small fingers? Is this beyond your power, for the sake of your own peace, and to save your poor wife from madness?'' Those were her exact word towards Aylmer. It was she who gave him the permission to play with her life. Couldn’t she show a little self-confidence and tell him on his face not to be troubled with it. Instead of telling him that, she started hating her birthmark too. As it says in the story†Still, whenever she dared to look into the mirror, there she beheld herself pale as a white rose and with the crimson birthmark stamped upon her cheek. Not even Aylmer now hated it so much as she†. Evan after reading Aylmer’s science journal where there are more failure and hardly any success, she didn’t say any thing to him instead she said, it had made her worship him more than ever.
Monday, November 11, 2019
How Technology Advancement has influenced Computer Ethics Essay
The 21st century has been dubbed †the digital age†because of the monumental achievements witnessed in the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) fields, which have impacted every aspect of human life. The internet has become one of the most lucrative Information Technology (IT) tool which has made communication and exchange of information faster and efficient. Consequently, it has transformed how people consume information. In spite of its benefits, the internet has led to a severe decline in ethics among internet users (Salman, Saad & Ali, 2013). The widespread use of internet has led to increased and sophisticated crimes, terrorism and wars (May, 2004). This essay will be based on a case involving hackers who hold Personal Computers (PC) hostage. It will outline the potential computer ethics issues associated with holding computers hostage. It will also highlight methods that computer users could use to prevent this type of attack. Moreover, it will highlight governmental legislations that could be enacted against this type of attack. Ethics is defined as the principles governing both right and wrong among free humans (free moral agents), whose actions are influenced by their freedom of choice (Soskolne, n.d). Advancement of technology presents both positive and negative impacts to a society. Technological advancements have led to a rapid decline in social and ethical issues regarding to security and privacy of personal information (Shieh & Tanthuwanit, 2004). One of the major forms of social ethic violation includes hackers holding personal computers hostage, and hence infringing on both privacy and security of targeted computer users. This in turn compromises information security concerned with the protection of information confidentiality, availability and integrity (Gordon & Loeb, 2002) According to Perlroth (2014), cyber criminals have devised a new mechanism of freezing computers through malwares, and then demanding a steep ransom pay before unlocking them. Perlroth (2014) adds that computer owners throughout the world have fallen victims of this malicious attack, which denies them access to their personal computers and files stored on them. The hackers instead serve them with a â€Å"pop up†message demanding some ransom payment before their computers could be unlocked. Hackers holding computers hostage infringe on personal privacy, and gain access to sensitive information regarding online bank accounts, security passwords and other highly private information (Perlroth, 2014). Security systems and other general-purpose computers are also vulnerable to this kind of attack because, if these hackers can break into users’ accounts even from [GoDaddy] domains to create malicious subdomains through which they send mails to target clients (Perlroth, 2014), then every computer system is vulnerable to such attacks. This means that not only is the privacy of the computer users compromised, but also the security of their data and the general security of their computer systems (The Canadian Press, 2014). In order to prevent hackers from holding computers hostage, computers users should double check their domain names, user accounts or web addresses before responding to any email clicks. In line to this, Perlroth (2014) observes that: Hackers were breaking into GoDaddy users’ accounts with stolen passwords and setting up what is known as a subdomain †¦ hackers would set up the Web address†¦ then send emails to customers †¦ because it appeared to come from a trusted source – was more likely to lure clicks. Likewise also, users should either contact an IT professional to help them remove the ransomware incase infected, or they can wipe their computers clean through formatting them and reinstalling new Operating system as well (Perlroth, 2014). In addition, professional network security personnel should be consulted in order to ensure that passwords, firewalls, authentications and proxy servers among other security utilities are properly set and enhanced to fortify system security (French, 2012) Although the hunting, catching and eventual convicting of these hackers has not yet achieved substantial success (Perlroth, 2014), the government should enact privacy laws that pronounce higher penalty for perpetrators of personal privacy and security infringement so that their benefit is less in value when compared to pending punishment. Some of the active laws that have been enacted to curb this tragedy include the Computer Fraud and Abuse Acts which cover the use of malicious codes including worms, viruses, and other malicious programs intended to alter or damage data in a user’s computer (Title 18 U.S.C Section 1030). Another legislation that could counter this attack is the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act (NIIPA) which criminalizes the transmission of a command, program, or code with malicious intentions [like holding a compute hostage] (Colombell, 2002). In conclusion, when hackers hold computers hostage, they infringe on the personal privacy and security of personal information. During the period when the computers are held hostage, computer users not only risk having their sensitive information accessed and sometimes damaged, but they are also financially exploited in order to have their computers unlocked. Some of the feasible strategies of avoiding this attack include exercising a lot of care regarding the types of sites visited and clicked, and avoiding sending payments to hackers whenever a computer is hacked. Instead seek immediate assistance from a professional who will help you to manually get rid of the ransomware without paying the hackers off. References Colombell, M., R. (2002). The Legislative Response to the Evolution of Computer Viruses. 8 RICH. J.L. & TECH. 18. Retrieved from <> French, A., M. (2012). A Case Study on E-Banking Security – When Security Becomes Too Sophisticated for the User to Access Their Information. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 17(2). Gordon, L., & Loeb, M. (2002). The Economics of Information Security Investment. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, 5 (4), 438–457. May, M. (2004). Federal Computer Crime Laws. SANS Institute. Retrieved from < Show=federal-computer-crime-laws-1446&cat=legal > Perlroth, N. (2014, April 22). Hackers holding your PC to ransom. Deccan Herald. Retrieved from <> Salman, A., Saad, S., & Ali, M., N. (2013). Dealing with Ethical Issues among Internet Users: Do We Need Legal Enforcement? Asian Social Science, 9(8): 3-8. Shieh, M., & Tanthuwanit, K. (2004). Privacy and Security: Internet Hacking and Surveillance. Retrieved from <> Title 18 U.S.C Section 1030, internet, Soskolne, C., L. (n.d). Workplace Health and Safety Information: Ethical Issues. Retrieved from <> The Canadian Press (2014, April 14). Computer hacking expert says more bad news to come from Heartbleed. Edmonton Journal. Retrieved from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Longman Communication 3000 Essay
The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in both spoken and written English, based on statistical analysis of the 390 million words contained in the Longman Corpus Network – a group of corpuses or databases of authentic English language. The Longman Communication 3000 represents the core of the English language and shows students of English which words are the most important for them to learn and study in order to communicate effectively in both speech and writing. Analysis of the Longman Corpus Network shows that these 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English account for 86% of the language. This means that by knowing this list of words, a learner of English is in a position to understand 86% or more of what he or she reads. Of course, â€Å"knowing†a word involves more than simply being able to recognise it and know a main meaning of it. Many of the most frequent words have a range of different meanings, a variety of different grammatical patterns, and numerous significant collocations. Nonetheless, a basic understanding of the Longman Communication 3000 is a very powerful tool and will help students develop good comprehension and communication skills in English. ‘This [frequency] information is gold dust for the language learner. LDOCE shows in graphic and immediate form which words are really worth learning and knowing how to use.’ Jeremy Harmer, ELT author These frequency markers added to the headwords in the dictionary give users access to a wealth of information that can help the selection of the appropriate word or phrase in a variety of situations. Not only are the words and meanings given descriptive labels, for example formal or informal, AmE (American English) or BrE (British English), humorous, old-fashioned, but now they have the added information about relative frequency in spoken and written language. Take for example the verb book (in the meaning of book a table at a restaurant). It is marked as S2 – one of the top 2000 words of spoken English. Note that is has no marker for written English because according to corpus analysis, it is not part of the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. However, the entry also indicates that a synonym for book is reserve which is in the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that in speaking (for instance when phoning a hotel or restaurant), book is the most appropriate verb to use when asking for a room or table to be kept for you. In writing, however, it would be more appropriate to use reserve. ‘There are two distinct modes of English: thoughtful, accurate and more formal, reflected mostly by written English; and spontaneous, real-time, less formal language, typified by spontaneous speech and some informal writing.’ Professor Geoffrey Leech, Emeritus Professor of English Language and Linguistics – University of Lancaster To ensure that users have access to the appropriate information, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English marks all the words that are in the Longman Communication 3000 in red accompanied by special symbols: W1 , W2 , and W3 for words that are in the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in written English, and S1 , S2 and S3 for the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in spoken English. Nowadays, many learner’s dictionaries include information about the most frequent words in English, but Longman dictionaries are the only ones to highlight the differences between spoken and written frequency. Learning a language can be exciting, but also sometimes difficult and frustrating because there are so many things to learn and it is difficult to know what to focus on. The frequency markers that identify the Longman Communication 3000 help students see clearly which words are frequent in written and spoken English, and enable them to focus more attention on mastering the meanings, grammatical patterns and collocations of these words.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
T.S. Eliot Biography essays
T.S. Eliot Biography essays Thomas Stearns Eliot was born on September 26, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri. He was the seventh and last child of Henry Ware Eliot, a brick manufacturer, and Charlotte Eliot, who was a talented poet in his own right. Both parents were descendent from families in England that immigrated to Massachusetts in the seventeenth century. William Greenleaf Eliot, Eliots grandfather, moved to St. Louis after he graduated from Harvard in the 1830s. There he became a Unitarian minister, but the connection to New England was maintained through the familys summer home on the Atlantic coast in Gloucester, Massachusetts. During his childhood Eliot attended Miss Lockes Primary School and Smithy Academy in St. Louis. His first poems appeared in the Smith Academy Record in 1905, the year of his graduation. In the year after that he attended Milton academy and then entered into Harvard University. He frequently published in the Harvard Advocate and took courses with professors such as Paul Elmer More and Irving Babbitt. In 1909 Eliot received his B.A. and stayed in Harvard to earn his masters degree in English literature, which he received the following year. The fall of 1910 is when he spent a year in Paris writing, reading, soaking up the atmosphere and attending classes at the Sorbonne. When he returned to America, he went back to Harvard to continue his studies in philosophy and also serve as a teaching assistant. After being awarded a traveling fellowship for the year of 1914-1915, he had planed to study in Germany, but the start of World War I forced him to leave the country early. Eliot would find himself in England where he would spend the remaining years of his life. In England he met Ezra Pound, on September 22, 1914, who would exert a great amount of influence into his work and his literary career. The next year Eliot would marry Vivien Haigh-Wood on June 26, 1915, after knowing each other for two mon...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cannabis Misuse Effects on Wellbeing
Cannabis Misuse Effects on Wellbeing How does cannabis misuse impact on the health and well-being of young people between the ages of 11-17 in England ? Introduction The major focus of this research will be to explore how the misuse of cannabis can affect the health and wellbeing of young people in England and who are between the ages of 11 – 17 years. Gaining understanding on the impacts on the impacts on health and well being of these young people within the age group will help the researcher to make informed and evidence based recommendations on the appropriate health promotion interventions to tackle the health issue. Therefore, the research will involve an extensive review of journals that have specific relevance to the cannabis misuse among young people between the ages 11 – 17; and the review will be followed by critical discussions on the key themes that will arise from the results of the literature review. Also the discussions will be drawn from the activities of a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) that is involved in tackling cannabis misuse among young people in the UK. Background and Rationale for Study Cannabis is from flowering plant known as cannabis sativa and it produces both euphoria and reduces anxiety (Naftali et al, 2013; Moore, 2007). The drug can be used occasionally by individuals without causing significant social or mental problems but heavy users or addicts may experience anxiety and disturbed sleep after withdrawal from its use (Schaub et al, 2013; Moffat et al, 2013). In the year 2009, the UK Government reclassified cannabis from being Class C drug to Class B making it illegal for anyone in possession of supply quantity (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2011). The reclassifying of cannabis represents Government intervention to discourage poor lifestyle choices especially among young people who have been found to be indulged in cannabis abuse and also to promote healthy lifestyles. The 2011 data from the Health and Social Care Information Ce ntre revealed that the â€Å"prevalence of young adults ever having taken drugs has decreased from 48.6% in 1996 to 40.1% in 2010/11; and in 2009/10 lifetime prevalence was 40.7%. The number receiving help for primary cannabis use has increased by more than 4,000 since 2005/06 to 13,123 in 2009/10. The number of under- 18s treated for problem drug use associated with primary use of heroin and crack is 530, less than half the number in 2005/06†(Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2011). Furthermore the data reveals that number of young people receiving help for primary cannabis use has increased by more than 4,000 since 2005/06 to 13,123 in 2009/2010. This increase in the number of young people receiving help for cannabis use is a major concern and this has prompted the decision to choose this topic. The concern here is that cannabis the misuse of cannabis health risks and which will widen the gap in the inequalities in the health of the population in the UK. According to Moffat et al (2013) the use of cannabis affects the nervous system and causes anxiety and this has the potential to affect the health and wellbeing of the individual in the long term especially where the body metabolism is not able to resist those effects. Another rationale for choosing to research on cannabis misuse among the young people of this age group is that, though there is recorded decrease in the use of cannabis based on the data by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (2011), the 2013 report shows that â€Å"as in previous years cannabis was the most widely used drug among pupils in 2012 with 7.5% reporting they had taken it in the last year†(Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2014). The data suggests that the cannabis use among pupils is becoming a lifestyle and that if appropriate and adequate behavioural interventions are not implemented to cause a significant change of behaviour, this lifestyle may become a way of life of the 7.5% of the p opulation of pupils. The wider implication of this unhealthy lifestyle is that the 7.5% of pupils may likely experience inequalities in health and also exclude them from maximising potentials. Health inequality simply means lack of uniformity in health or differences in health and this is often caused by various factors among which is the lifestyle of the population (Naidoo and Wills, 2011). This clearly suggests that the social distribution of health is linked to the differences in the risk behaviours of the individuals and that a change of risky behaviour reduces the differences in health (Naidoo and Wills, 2011).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Inhumanity against Jews in the Shakespeare era evident in Merchant of Essay - 1
Inhumanity against Jews in the Shakespeare era evident in Merchant of Venice - Essay Example But in a study, Jami Rogers contends that â€Å"Shakespeare, however, did not write a one-dimensional villain, but a complex character who defies explanation and who will probably never be fully understood†(1). Theaters of Shakespeare’s society had a long tradition of portraying the Jews in as greedy, usurer, and Machiavellian. But Shakespeare indiscernibly appends a new humanizing tone to his contemporary trend of Judaic portrayal that upholds a Jew character as melodramatic. Not disheartening the audience who were accustomed to view the Jews as the biblical traitors of Jesus, Shakespeare has frequently has drawn their attention to the inhuman part of his society’s attitude and behaviors towards them both in Shylock’s own word and in the plot construction of the play. Following the long cherished tradition of the theaters of his era, Shakespeare has characterized Shylock as a typical villain who is even convicted with the intention of murder. At some points Shylock can be considered as the reflection of his society’s antagonism towards him. Though inhumanly behavior of the society towards Shylock becomes outweighed by the biblical allusion of a Jew traitor hungry for a Christian’s blood, the audience is frequently reminded of the fact that Shylock is the most oppressed victim of the society’s injustice. As a part of this reminder, Shakespeare makes Shylock speak in support of the Jews humanly existence in spite of the cultural and racial difference: I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? Shakespeare shows that a man like, continually facing his fellow people’s hatred and, antagonistic and humiliating behavior like spitting, stoning,
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